Friday, June 13, 2008

Mid Day Of My Life

I am in the mid day of my life
Looking back at what I have done
Sins and wrong doings engulf my heart
Repentance is imminent I must try

I am in the mid day of my life
Reflecting the deeds that I have done
Good and evil all meshed in one
The errors must be corrected I must strive

I am in the mid day of my life
Counting the blessings that I have till now
Family, friends, wealth and health all that I have
Thank you O ALLAH for these gifts in my life

I am in the mid day of my life
Trials and tribulations that I have surpassed
Shaping me to be stronger and deeper in faith I must arrive
All praises be unto You O ALLAH the Patron of my life

I am in the mid day of my life
While others are between dawn and dusk of their lives
Whichever part of the day our lives are in
We must continue our pursuit for excellence indeed.

Syed Ad'ha
14 June 2008