Saturday, December 4, 2010


There are
peaks of excellence
the first peak
that we climb
is not
the first
the last
but it is
the first
of many
peaks of excellence
that we can climb
to reach
the last
of our
fullest potential
now and the future.

Syed Ad'ha
4 December 2010

Thursday, September 23, 2010


The Shariah
in establishing justice
compassion should succeed
henceforth preventing
evil and wrongdoing
finally to overcome
oppression and cruelty
the Shariah
is not only
standing, prostating and sitting
on a prayer mat
supplicating for centuries
or just
invocations, recitations and chants
or standing up firm
in the wee hours of the night
other than
the practices of human activites
until the tongue is wet
the sweat from toils are felt
and the soul feel in threat
when in fact
our young ones and youths
drown and adrift
forgetting their roots
and objective of life
while the rights of others
are transgressed exceedingly
for the complete fulfilment
of the Shariah
is pertinent
for those who declare themselves
as people who are of faith.

Syed Ad'ha
23 September 2010

Thursday, September 16, 2010


Those who are
in spiritual ecstacy
for their love
of Him
let them be

Those who are
in deep solitude
for their remembrance
of Him
let them be

Those who are
seeking for unity
for their recognition
of Him
let them be

Those who are
in constant guidance
for their obedience
to Him
let them be

For those who
let them be
will benefit
from the Light
which emanates
from them
who are always
in desire of Him and only Him.

Syed Ad'ha
16 September 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010


Every traveller
has been given
in the journey
spiritual heights
this path
has its chain
to the beloved one
that path
has its links
to the chosen ones
for indeed
these two paths
are premised
on His Laws
chartering for
every traveller
to internalise and realise
his own self
so as to witness
the majestic reach
of HIM, The Most High.

Syed Ad'ha
27 August 2010

Tuesday, July 13, 2010


I am a
buffet reader
my passion is
to read
my desire is
to know
my aim is
to acquire
my dream is
to enliven
my purpose is
to develop

I am a
buffet reader
for I choose
the things I read
for I believe
in widening my horizons
for I trust
the guidance of my inner senses
for I realise
that this is the way I should go.

Syed Ad'ha
13 July 2010

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I live by
my principles
and values
not the opinions
of others

I live by
my principles
and values
less the opinions
of others

I live by
my principles
and values
regardless the opinions
of others

I live by
my principles
and values
for I am responsible
to myself.

Syed Ad'ha
6 July 2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I reject
groups and ideologies
that are stiff
who null the contributions
of traditional knowledge and learning

I reject
groups and ideologies
that are off-tangent
who accepts all believes
as one and equal

I reject
groups and ideologies
that idolise
whose poles and guides
as more than the seal of the prophets

I reject
groups and ideologies
who do not care
rights, lives and existence of others
thus lost their sense of humanness

I reject
groups and ideologies
that over-emphasise
rational thinking and mystical belief
for both are not exactly on the spot

I reject
groups and ideologies
which centres on
charismatic leadership and ideas
for they bring destruction on others

I reject
every group and ideology
which accepts one and not others
who emphasises on one and not others
for my own betterment and upliftment.

Syed Ad'ha
22 June 2010

Sunday, May 30, 2010


I give up myself in awe of Him
I give up myself in love of Him
I give up myself in desire of Him
I give up myself to embrace Him.

Syed Ad'ha
27 May 2010

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Meeting Him

Another day just went by
Another week passed by
Another month has gone by
Another year said goodbye
But I am still here waiting
to meet Him, The Most High.

Syed Ad'ha
18 May 2010

Saturday, May 15, 2010


I am searching
for my strengths
but what I have found
my weaknesses

I am searching
for my place in this world
but what I have found
the Hereafter which is waiting

I am searching
for help from all around
but what I have found
succour from God who always gives

I am searching
for varieties in myself
but what I have found
me and Him who is always by my side.

Syed Ad'ha
13 May 2010

Thursday, March 25, 2010

HE Fulfills

What is it
that can stop us
from achieving
a penetrating insight
a great resource
a high capability
a deep comprehension
for all that is indeed
within our reach
because of HIM who fulfills.

Syed Ad'ha
25 March 2010

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Me and Him

I free myself
through the declaration
There is No God But Him

I fortify myself
with ninety-nine
attributes and names of His

I submit myself
because of His Greatness
The Sustainer and Lord Supreme

I cleanse myself
in witnessing
His Glory and Purity

I overcome myself
so as to receive
His Love, Attention and Affection

Syed Ad'ha
14 March 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Tests of Life

These are
the tests
of life
with no end
to them
until we meet
The Most High

These are
the tests
of life
no end in sight
until we submit
to His Will

These are
the tests
of life
when will it be
we repent
for our misdeeds
to gain His Mercy

These are
the tests
of life
fortunate indeed
for those who are in
constant remembrance
for it is they who will indeed
be in perpetual bliss.

Syed Ad'ha
26 January 2010